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Protect your mobile number privacy

Your Doctor Private Number (DPN) is unique!

It allows you to receive calls without having to share your mobile number.

To get your DPN,

Download the CallWithDoctor app!

How It Works?


    Register your mobile number to get your doctor private number (DPN).

    Share your DPN, instead of your mobile number, with patients.


    In Settings, enter your charges for a 10-minute call with a patient.


    To receive calls from patients, tap DOCTOR IN.

    To stop receiving calls from patients, tap DOCTOR OUT.

    (Control patient calls with a single tap.)

How It Works?


Register your mobile number to get your doctor private number (DPN).

Share your DPN, instead of your mobile number, with patients.


In Settings, enter your charges for a 10-minute call with a patient.


To receive calls from patients, tap DOCTOR IN.

To stop receiving calls from patients, tap DOCTOR OUT.

(Control patient calls with a single tap.)

To get your DPN,

Download the CallWithDoctor app!


Dr Sanjay

When I was approached to participate in the pilot of Call With Doctor, I was skeptical initially because of the many digital solutions that the market is flooded with. How wrong was I! The fact that a clinician himself has built the solution is a testimony to the utility it brings to practice. I have seen immense change in the way my patients reach me - they tell me that I have become much more reachable to them. For a doctor, there is no bigger satisfaction than that!

Dr Sheetal

My Doctor Private Number is now known to all my patients. It instantly resolved a long-existing concern for privacy that I had whenever I shared my mobile number. With Doctor Private Number, I have the flexibility to manage patient calls, even if I am busy. I am proud to have been a part of the development of the app, and feel that it is a must-have for any clinicians practice

Dr Harish

I was happy to contribute to the Call With Doctor journey by participating in the pilot run. The solution solves a real problem that we clinicians face, in that it allows for my patients to call me, without my requiring to share my mobile number. I enjoy using the app for its simplicity and clarity

To get your Doctor Private Number,

Download the CallWithDoctor App!

About CallWithDoctor

On a mission to provide access to 1 million doctors, anytime, anywhere!

India has only one doctor for every 1,681 patients, as reported by the Medical Council of India. In addition, over 60% practicing doctors we interviewed expressed discomfort in sharing their mobile number with their patients due to a fear of compromised privacy. On the other hand, about 90% patients expressed frustration over the inability to reach their doctors on phone to have their queries answered. This is detrimental to the access and delivery of quality healthcare required to achieve targeted health outcomes.

CallWithDoctor plugs the doctor–patient gap by breaking the clutter around communication and simplifying it through the medium of a Doctor Private Number (DPN). Built on a patented technology, DPN allows for a one-tap dial through the CallWithDoctor app. It does not need a separate SIM card or a mobile number. All one needs to have is the CallWithDoctor app.

DPN is a robust yet simple solution that addresses doctors’ concerns

around privacy while making them more accessible to patients. The possibilities with DPN are endless—from enabling patients in tier 2 and tier 3 Indian cities to talk to doctors in the metros, to breaking international boundaries in healthcare communication.

With DPN, we envision a truly flat world, where a patient can access a doctor, anywhere, anytime without having to go through the usual communication clutter of setting up appointments and traveling to clinics.

The answer to expanding the reach of healthcare, we believe, lies in getting doctors and patients talk to each other without the usual hassles and inhibitions.

Our mission is to bring together 1 million doctors, and patients, globally to talk to each other! And, we will not rest until this is achieved!

To get your DPN,

Download the CallWithDoctor app!

To get your Doctor Private Number, Download the CallWithDoctor App!